Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

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Tigers 5 vs Uni 2

02 March 2023 | Zoe DeBarro +
Tigers 5 vs Uni 2

In the second of T5s back to back away games, we took on a fired up and much improved Uni 2.

The start of the game was pretty even with a few goals back and forth until we found our groove, when Olivia and Gary pressed their boost buttons and scored several each in quick succession. We finished the first half a comfortable 9-3 ahead.

Uni made several substitutions at half time which especially shook things up for the girls. Olivia lost her advantage, but Nick, as ever, continued to dominate the rebound in their division, allowing Billy and Ellis a couple each. Nick secured his penalty, Gary continued his goal fest and managed to set Tom up for a great goal as well in the process, whilst Chloe kept up a fantastic job in defence.

Another fantastic team effort, marred only by the news that Mateja’s finger injury from the night before against City 5 was indeed a fracture and she won’t be playing again for a while. Get well soon, Mateja!

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