Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

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Tigers 4 vs Vikings 1

15 March 2023 | Zoe DeBarro +
Tigers 4 vs Vikings 1

A tough game for T4 this evening against a very experienced Vikings 1 team.

Vikings came out with all guns blazing and Tigers rose to the challenge - the first 10 minutes were actually fairly even. Vikings then found their groove and punished every defensive mistake, no matter how small, with some strong attacking and clinical shooting. 15-3 at half time.

After half time we managed to restrict their attacking a lot more. We had a lot more shots up than the scoreline reflects, but they just weren’t quite on target. Tigers’ spirit did not falter and the energy maintained throughout the match was really impressive. Final score 22-5.

3 goals for Gary, 1 each for Maddy and Jenny.

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